Defensive Shotgun
Ladies Only Intro to Defensive Shotgun
Service Description
This is an opportunity for women to be introduced to the pump action shotgun for defensive purposes. No experience with a shotgun is necessary, however all students must already have completed at minimum a pistol safety and operation class. Students will learn safety as it relates to the shotgun, the parts of the shotgun, functions, operation, loading and unloading and fundamentals of shotgun for defense. An introduction to distance, ammunition choice and purpose will be discussed, demonstrated, and practiced by students. Per the experience and comfort level of students each will have the opportunity to engage dual targets during drills, while moving. Please note that students will need to be able to lift the weight of the shotgun to perform the drills, however know that students will have breaks to rest the shotgun in between drills. Ammunition, targets and shotguns will be provided during the class. The class will be held out at the private range, Volusia County Gun & Hunt Club in New Smyrna Beach Fl: 4845 E. SR 44, New Smyrna Beach, Fl.