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Concealed Carry Course

Certificate to Apply For Concealed Weapons License

4 hr
120 US dollars
New Smyrna, Florida

Service Description

This course is required to apply for your Florida Concealed Weapons Permit. Courses are small, with no more than 7 students per class. Content includes Florida concealed carry, lawful use of deadly force, legal and financial considerations, as well as gun safety and proper operation of a firearm. The class is currently being held outside, under cover for the lecture portion, and in the sunshine for the shooting portion. Currently, the gun range we will meet at is Volusia County Gun and Hunt Club in New Smyrna Beach, FL. Please be sure to have some type of eye protection on when entering the gun range. Wear something appropriate for the weather, and bring drinks and snacks if you would like to. If you have a firearm (pistol), please bring it unloaded, and encased to the class. One box of 50 round count of ammunition is sufficient. If you do not have a firearm, one will be provided to you with ammunition during the class. To secure your seat, you may make prepayment through Zelle, Paypal or VenMo under Shooting With Sherry.

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